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Assessments and Grading

Our district is committed to providing the best possible education for every student.

Tests and assessments are given for different reasons, depending on the need. Some tests given at SoWashCo Schools are required by federal and/or state law. Others help measure: 

  • English language proficiency
  • Progress toward a learning goal
  • Progress made during a period of time
  • Impact of instruction

Some tests also help determine if students will be selected to participate in educational programs or services. 

One test cannot fill all of these needs. 


Angela Denow

Amanda Husie

Ellen Taschek

Assessments and Tests

High School Testing Dates

Most students will participate in school-wide testing. Students will participate in the Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments (MCA), American College Testing (ACT) and/or the Seal of Biliteracy. These tests will be administered at school on the student's school-issued device. 

Please review the table below to determine if the student is expected to attend school for testing. Students that are not testing are expected to complete schoolwork at home. Assignments will be posted by their teacher in Schoology. Please note that teachers may not be available for questions during testing days as they will be administering and proctoring testing.

MCA/MTAS Reading and Math Testing

If participating in testing, students must bring their school-issued device

Grade 9 Complete schoolwork at home
Grade 10 Attend school to take the Reading MCA
Grade 11 Attend school to take the Math MCA
Grade 12 Complete schoolwork at home

ACT, MCA/MTAS Science, Seal of Biliteracy

If participating in testing, students must bring their school-issued device

Grade 9
  • Complete schoolwork at home if NOT taking a Biology course
  • Attend school to take the Science MCA if taking a Biology course
Grade 10
  • Complete schoolwork at home if NOT taking a Biology course
  • Attend school to take the Science MCA if taking a Biology course
Grade 11
  • Attend school to take the ACT
Grade 12
  • Complete schoolwork at home if NOT taking a Biology course or are not register for Seal of Biliteracy testing
  • Attend school to take the Science MCA if taking a Biology course
  • Attend school to take the Seal of Biliteracy test (must be registered)

Middle School